Find all the accommodation available in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Ciboure, Guéthary and Urrugne: hotels, camp sites, holiday rentals, tourist apartments, real estate agencies, bed and breakfast establishments: there’s a wide array of accommodation to choose from when you come to the Basque Coast!
Find your hotel
Many hotels are available. From 5-star Palace hotels to guest houses, there’s accommodation to suit everyone!
from 41€
from 144€
from 125€
from 105€ Online booking available
from 79€
from 86€ Online booking available
from 79€
from 59€
from 62€
Places to pitch tents, set up caravans and campervans or stay in mobile-homes: enjoy the wide open spaces of our campsites whether by the seaside or at the foot of the mountains…
Guest houses
Arrotz logelak
Select one of our guest houses and stay in a delightful and friendly place where the owners have a wealth of holiday tips to share with you!
Holiday rentals for an independent stay
Oporretako alokatzeak
A holiday rental, a beautiful apartment, a typical Basque house, a villa… Our holiday rentals enable you to make the most of your stay and enjoy your independence!
Tourist apartments and Holiday Villages
Bizitegiak eta opor-herrixkak
Our hotel resorts allow you to take advantage of all the services a hotel has to offer, and more besides…
And also…
Eta ere...
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How to come there
Nola etorri
All means are good to come and spend a few days in Saint-jean-de-Luz: by train, by car, by plane and even on foot for some!
How to get here?